三個月一次的媽媽教室3/22在Diamond Bar Center舉行, 謝謝大家熱情的參與!! 下次六月見囉~


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1/25/2014 晴空萬里、好心情~ — at 金品月子膳食.


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我們家客服經理 Michelle 收到的客人感謝卡~ 太開心了!! 不過話說回來,Michelle的服務真的是沒話說,都快要改名叫"土地婆"了! 有跟她接觸過的媽咪一定都能感受到她的溫暖跟善解人意~ 最好吃的月子餐,最貼心的服務,都在金品月子膳食喔!


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快來看看12/14/2013的媽媽教室花絮吧~  http://jingmommy.pixnet.net/album/set/9966843

月子三寶~ 月子水,腹帶,養腰康

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Zuo Yue Zi in mandarin, or “sitting the month” in English.  Maternity doesn’t end at giving childbirth, Zuo Yue Zi is the 4th trimester! 

Much blood is lost during and after childbirth, the new mother’s body is very weak and vulnerable.  In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi (energy) is required to essential to life, both physical and spiritual.  Women also lose a lot of Qi during pregnancy and labor.   This disturbance in the flow of Qi can cause many disharmonies in the body.  Deficiency of Qi and blood lead to tiredness and fatigue, which will make the immune system very susceptible to disease.  If Qi and blood is not recovered, it may lead to many serious problems which might manifest early or years later…

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:::::  金品頂級藥膳月子餐 :::::

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